Defiance Middle School
Recent News About Defiance Middle School
How many Hispanic students were enrolled in Defiance County schools in 2023-24 school year?
Hispanic students made up 16.4% of the enrollment in Defiance County public schools in the 2023-24 school year.
Enrollment Analysis: Non-Hispanic Black students comprised 1.8% of Defiance County's student body in 2023-24 school year
Non-Hispanic Black students made up 1.8% of the enrollment in Defiance County public schools in the 2023-24 school year.
Gender representation in Defiance County student body in 2023-24 school year
In the 2023-24 school year, Defiance County welcomed 5,675 students, with male students accounting for the majority, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Defiance County: non-Hispanic white students were most represented ethnicity in 2023-24 school year
In Defiance County schools, non-Hispanic white was the most common ethnicity in the 2023-24 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
How many students were enrolled in Defiance County schools for 2023-24 school year?
There were 1.7% less students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2023-24 school year.
Defiance County schools welcomed 528 kindergarten students in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered 14 more kindergarten students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
329 students were enrolled for 12th grade in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered 10 fewer 12th grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
There were 321 11th grade students in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered 16 fewer 11th grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Defiance County schools welcomed 530 10th grade students in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered 66 more 10th grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
How many students were enrolled in ninth grade in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year?
There were 503 ninth grade students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
2022-23 School Year Enrollment: 469 eighth grade students welcomed in Defiance County schools
There were 469 eighth grade students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
460 students were enrolled for seventh grade in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
There were 460 seventh grade students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
There were 482 sixth grade students in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
There were 482 sixth grade students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Defiance County schools welcomed 446 fifth grade students in 2022-23 school year
There were 446 fifth grade students enrolled in Defiance County schools in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
How many students were enrolled in fourth grade in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year?
Defiance County schools registered the same number of fourth grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
2022-23 School Year Enrollment: 428 third grade students welcomed in Defiance County schools
Defiance County schools registered three fewer third grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
424 students were enrolled for second grade in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered four more second grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
There were 409 first grade students in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools registered 18 fewer first grade students in the 2022-23 school year, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Most students enrolled in Defiance County schools in 2022-23 school year were male
Defiance County enrolled 5,771 students in the 2022-23 school year, with the majority being male, according to reports from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Defiance County Education: 4,488 non-Hispanic white students were enrolled in schools in 2022-23 school year
Defiance County schools reported 4,488 non-Hispanic white students enrolled in the 2022-23 school year.